Nothing Gold Can Stay #3 (Alice in Wonderland's New Clock)
Finished piece for my transformation project! I transformed playing cards into a mechanical working clock. I used a circular board for the base while all the rest was cards. Of course I had to buy the clock workings (the hands and battery). In the middle of the clock was suppossed to seem like someone was throwing cards at your face (like the cards are jumping out of the clock) but I decided it would be too much. So instead i broke the glass mirror into pieces and used that as the middle. The mirror takes in the surroundings lights where the clock sets, as well when someone walks up to the mirror and tries to see themself all the viewer see's is parts of themselves because of the cracks. I'm trying to resemble that life is not perfect, nor will it ever be! That when you look in the glass your seeing something different; that being different is what makes life so extrodinary and fulfilling. The reason I call it Alice in Wonderland's New Clock is because; One, the queen in the movie has power over the playing cards. Two, time was a priority in the movie. And Third, the movie portrayed a sense of weird, strange, and difference. When you look at my clock its not perfect; the numbers on the clock aren't lined up, the clock is not a perfect circle, nore is the time a hundred percent accurrate. All the descriptions and views on my clock bring out that weird dream like the movie Alice in Wonderland.